Kareena Kapoor, sister of old Karishma kapoor, now in her most glamourous place in the bollywood movie industry. She started her career in the movie "Refugee" which was not a successful movie. She won a lot of film critic award, but she found to be ungly now a days. She started to date with Shahid kapoor in the early career life but broke in the middle. Now she found to date with Saif Ali Khan hopefully it also wont last for long.
Three idiots (currently filming), 'Milenge milenge' (post production) are the upcoming movies of Kareena Kapoor. She found to be very successful in bollywood when paired along with Akshay Kumar and Aitraz was one of the successful movie.
Omkara, Golmal returs etc are some of the most interesting movies of Kareena Kapoor and found success in the box office as well. Watch and grab of the most stunning videos of Kareena KapoorKAREENA KAPOOR GREEN BIKINI PICTURES,KAREENA KAPOOR WET BIKINI PICTURES, KAREENA KAPOOR WITHOUT BRA PICTURES, KAREENA KAPOOR UNDRESSING BRA PICTURES, KAREENA KAPOOR MELONS VISIBLE, KAREENA KAPOOR CLEAVAGE VISIBLE
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